Friday, January 29, 2021

Virtual Program: Penguin Storytime

 For my January virtual program, I was able to do a storytime about penguins. I have to remember just how many great penguin books and activities there are to do with little ones! For my virtual storytimes, I usually read two books tops and include a flannel board follow-along activity and a craft idea. I followed the same template for this program.

For our first book, I read Be Brave, Little Penguin by Rachel Elliot. This book tells the story of a cute, little penguin who wants to swim and play in the water despite being afraid, but pulls through and conquers his fear. I enjoyed how this book had a great message for kids and cute illustrations to go along with it.

After our second book, I did a short flannel board activity involving the concept of colors and different color penguins. Of course we counted our penguins too!

My last book was Little Penguin and the Lollipop by Tadgh Bentley. This is a fun book to read and hopefully got the kids at home involved by saying, "razzle dazzle lollipop!" Who doesn't love a story about penguins and lollipops?

For a sample craft to make at home, I showed viewers how to make a simple penguin out of construction paper or with any type of paper if the kids wanted to color. 

With all the picture books on penguins, it's no wonder they are one of everyone's favorite animals!

Monday, January 4, 2021

Book of the Month: I'm Sticking with You

I chose I'm Sticking with You by Smriti Prasadam-Halls and illustrated by Steve Small for January's Book of the Month. If you are looking for a picture book that is sweet and loving while teaching friendship this is a great choice to read.

Summary: It's wonderful to have good friends to see you through the good times and the bad. But sometimes, friends can also be a bit...well...overbearing. 

Ages: 4-8 years

"I'm ready to listen to all your ideas. Ready to be there to help you along...Even if sometimes it goes a bit wrong."

Rhyming words and simple pictures complete this book on friendship and love. Prasadam-Halls explains that friendship involves sticking together through the hard times and understanding that sometimes you'll need a break only to miss your friend. 

This is a great book for a frienship storytime because it is short and teaches the characteristics of friendship and love.