Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Toddler Art: Story Characters

Go Away, Big Green Monster! by Ed Emberley was the perfect length of book for the toddlers and I was pleased with the craft ideas that were paired along with this book. The kids enjoyed hearing this book read out loud and had the variety of two different types of crafts to choose from or to do both. Both crafts were to make the Big Green Monster. 

One craft involved paint and the other involved tissue paper. All of their crafts turned out really cute and they had fun with the paint. I also liked how this craft allowed them to work with paint differently by smooching their paint around their folded cardstock. It was a different way of working with paint for them. 

Mostly everyone chose to do both crafts, but some parents just wanted to stick with the paper plate and tissue paper monster. 

I also had an opportunity to read the story again to those who arrived late. 

Go Away, Big Green Monster!


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