Thursday, January 3, 2019

Book of the Month: Giraffe Problems

This story by Jory John is another cute book of his. I liked how this book sends the message of accepting yourself and seeing the good your uniqueness can do and how it can even help others.

Summary: A giraffe struggles to feel comfortable with his neck.

Ages: 3-7 years

"I've been admiring your neck from afar. Oh, how I wish my neck looked like yours! I'd get so much done in a day."
I found the sophisticated dialogue in the story funny and cute, but also a polite element that made the story stand out from others. The illustrations are modern and pretty. There's a part in the book where the giraffe takes a look at how perfect the other animals' necks are and this would be a good opportunity to let a child name each one of the animals.

This book was Amazon's most anticipated children's book of Fall 2018. If you like this one, be sure to read Penguin Problems

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