For my virtual "Let's Recycle and Get Crafty" program, I wanted to show how you can use everyday items around the house to make upcycled crafts and that this can be something kids can easily do with a caregiver's help during the pandemic.
After searching for some ideas online, I decided on showing how to make a bird feeder, spring wreath, and smiley face jars using recyclable items.
The easiest craft would have to be the smiley face jars. For this craft, the upcycled item was a glass jar or plastic container and the kids simply had to pick their favorite paint color at home and paint the whole jar/container with paint and let it dry. Afterwards, add some googly eyes and a smiley face to complete a cute jar that can be used for flowers or as a pencil holder. This idea was courtesy of Fun and Easy Crafting with Recycled Materials by Kimberly McLeod.
The next craft idea shown was making a spring flower wreath using cardboard egg cartons, a paper plate as a base, and paint. After the wreath base was painted and the egg carton was cut out to make flower-looking pieces, let everything sit and dry and then start gluing and adding cute elements like pom poms and sequins.
The final recycled craft idea was making a bird feeder using a can, some colorful duct tape, and ribbon. Once the can (I used a small coffee can) was cut at both ends using a can opener, duct tape can be added for a spring look and a lid can be cut in half. Once attached to both ends of the can and adding a string, this is a simple and upcycled craft that just needs some bird seed. I was glad I was able to do this virtual program to show how it's easy to make something using recyclable materials. This is a great way to show kids the importance about recycling and still make it fun!