Friday, February 17, 2017

Toddler Art: Valentine's Day

For this month's Toddler Art, all three crafts were centered around Valentine's Day like Preschool Picasso. 

Our first craft of the day was "Heart Shaped Bubble Wrap Painting." I cut the bubble wrap into heart shapes and the kids dipped them in paint and used them for stamping. I pointed out the texture of the bubble wrap and some of the kids had fun popping a few. We also used heart cookie cutters for stamping too.

Our next craft station was "Heart Prints." I think this was the favorite craft of the day. Everyone enjoyed seeing the colors blend and playing with the spray bottles. I cut out hearts from coffee filters and the kids colored them all with markers. They used the spray bottles filled with water to blend their colors and used it to stamp onto a piece of construction paper. The parents kept both the coffee filter and the stamped heart. The coffee filter hearts look beautiful when held up to the light. 

For our final craft, we used puffy paint made out of equal parts white glue and thick shaving cream to make clouds and then added heart stickers for "The Day It Rained Hearts" craft. This is a craft based on the book by Felicia Bond. It would have been a great fit to do this craft in Preschool Picasso so I could have read the story, but it was checked out. The kids had a fun time playing with the puffy paint.

We had the same sensory bin for Toddler Art as Preschool Picasso. I filled up an ice cube tray with water, foam hearts, and pom poms. This time it ended up melting quick, but it still ended up being a good sensory activity. 


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