Friday, April 14, 2017

Drop-In and Get Crafty: Easter

This year's Drop-In and Get Crafty: Easter was held on a no school day. I had a nice turnout and ended up continuing the program for an extra hour. Families came in rather sporadically, instead of the usual all rushing in when it starts, which made the room less crowded. 

For the craft, the group colored an Easter egg coloring page and cut and glued them onto a paper plate to make a colorful, holiday-themed wreath. There were sequins and bows to jazz it up. This was a great craft since this group loves to color! They enjoyed sparkling it up with sequins, and pastel yarn was available to use to hang up their wreath. 

It was neat to see how each child's wreath turned out different and some of the parents even took part. 

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