Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Reading By Design

I really liked how my last spring bulletin board turned out, but it was time to take it down and promote the Summer Reading Club, Reading By Design. 

I had the idea to use Little Elliot, circus font letters, and pink and blue dots to go along with the promotion iRead has been using. I like the way this turned out, but I have to get better at centering. 

It won't be up for long anyway because our library lacks bulletin board space and we will be needing a lot of space to put up names of those who sign-up. What makes this year different is that we will be separating each name by school they attend and will be having them write their name on a book die-cut to be displayed. Of course there will also be a spot for those who aren't old enough to attend school yet and those in private and home school. 

Our busy summer will soon be starting!

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