Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Preschool Picasso: Christmas

This was a nice, holiday Preschool Picasso. I picked out one of our new Christmas books to read, One Cozy Christmas by Christina Butler. The kids liked the illustrations and were very good listeners during the story. This author has another book that is always a hit with the kids, so I knew they would like this one.

There are such great ideas for kids' Christmas crafts online that it was very hard to decide. After narrowing it down by what would be best for my group, I settled on a Santa Claus chalk craft and a paper plate ornament craft.

After reading, I explained the crafts and we got straight to it. We made Santa Claus using construction paper shapes and white chalk for his beard. We also went over the different shapes on the paper, which they were all experts at. 

For our last craft, we made colorful paper plate ornaments using red, blue, and green tissue paper and ribbon. 

It was great seeing the families and most of them said they would be able to make it to the drop-in craft program on Saturday.

Here comes Santa Claus!

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