Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Preschool Picasso: At the Beach

This time around, I had quite a bit of drop-ins mixed with those registered. I always make extra crafts for this reason and I had enough for everyone.

I started by reading To the Beach! by Linda Ashman. This is a fun, rhyming story about a family who wants to go to the beach but can't seem to get there because they keep forgetting things to bring. This book has a good flow to it and entertained the group and made the group laugh. 

For our first craft, we made sandcastles using sand puffy paint. I had each glue their cutout sand castles onto light blue construction paper, glue a die-cut sun on the top of their construction paper, and paint their sand castle with puffy paint. The paint was a mixture of shaving cream, play sand, and a dab of brown paint. Everyone really enjoyed the idea and liked the sensory aspect of the grainy sand feel and the light, fluffy shaving cream.

For our second craft, we painted beach balls on card stock. I printed out beach ball templates on card stock and they were given red, blue, and yellow paint. Some just had fun painting the ball and blending colors, while others tried to stay in the lines with their paint. It worked for the older and younger ones in the group. 

Other possible beach books:
Beach Day by Karen Roosa

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