Friday, August 9, 2019

Water Fun

Water Fun was a new program idea that I had for summer that I knew was going to take more prep time, but the kids had fun and enjoyed playing together. The weather was perfect and I think it was something different and fun for the group. There was a waiting list for this program, but if I were to do this next summer, I think maybe I would do two separate times and use some other ideas I had to switch it up.

For this program, I had six water game stations set up for the kids and they each took turns at each station and did a great job behaving well with the water and listening. I also put out bubbles and chalk for the kids to play with. This was a sensory program for outside.

Station 1: Water Memory. Memory cards were made with clipart and foam so that the kids could play the Memory game in pool water. This one was well-received.

Station 2: Marble Run Water Slide. Pool noodles were cut in half and used for the kids race their marbles down the "slides" and see who wins. They really enjoyed this one though it was tricky to put together.

Station 3: Frisbee Target. Frisbees with point numbers on them were fixed onto the cement and the kids used water balls to try to get their targets. The kids enjoyed this one too.

Station 4: Cup Tower. Cups were stacked and each child used a water gun or squirters to knock down the cups. The wind made this one tricky, but it was still one of their favorites.

Station 5: Bucket Race. For this station, two kids paired up and had a race to see who could fill up their bucket faster using sponges and running with their sponge back from the bucket to the pails. This one tired the kids out the most.

Station 6: Cup Race. Cups were attached to strings that were fixed onto the bench and a tree trunk. The kids had to squirt water into their cup and see who could get their cup to the top of the string. This was the most popular and surprisingly I thought it wouldn't be well-received because it was more difficult.

I would definitely do this program again, but I will admit it was one of the most stressful ones I have put on just because it took a lot more prep time then usual and basically all these ideas I was taking a chance on that they would work and the kids would enjoy them. Also, not to mention the challenge of doing this level of idea on a budget. But it was well-received and worth seeing the kids having some fun outside. 

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