Friday, November 8, 2019

Creative Writing Workshop: Roll-a-Story

I started off the program by introducing Rory's Story Cubes and explained how they inspire writers and give writers ideas and that there are many ways to use and play with these story cubes.

Once we talked a little bit about the dice, we rolled our dice and started writing. The group had no problem writing and it was great that they took most of the program to write out their stories. I could really see how these cubes helped them come up with what was going to happen in their writing and we all wrote stories together.

We also did some sharing on our stories and rolled our dice a few more times.

About half way through the program, we stopped writing to make our dice. First we made a standard 1 through 6 dice for our roll-a-story blank worksheets and then we made our own story cubes using stickers, diecut pieces, and colored pencils. I think they liked the variety of writing and an art related project.

I told them when the next writing program will be and what that will be about and then I book-talked Brave the Page by Rebecca Stern and Grant Faulkner because this is a great book that will help any young writer.

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