Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Virtual Program: Nature Journaling for Kids

 Nature Journaling for Kids was my third virtual program. I knew I wanted to incorporate my creative writing programs virtually and thought nature journaling would be fitting for the summer and for summer reading. 

For this program, I gathered research online and used some craft books and professional books to help me with this one. 

First most, I explained what nature journaling is and what the benefits are of nature journaling. Nature journaling can be beneficial for both kids and adults and is a fun idea to do as a family.

After I talked a little bit about journaling and how you can involve nature, I showed my virtual audience how to make their own nature journal using paper, ribbon, and a folder, along with some cut out nature magazine pictures to decorate and make a collage.

Once done making the journal and showing the steps, I shared some of my simple journal entries to get them started and what things they could look for in nature that they could write about and keep stats about in their journal.

Lastly, I showed them a little clip of me in my backyard interacting with nature and showing them how they can be inspired to write in their journal in their own backyard.

This was a fun to film outside and show them what kind of things I found in my backyard-what kind of flowers, leaves, and even a turtle! It was such luck to run into that turtle that day of filming.

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