Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Book of the Month: Sun & Moon Sisters

For March's Book of the Month, I chose Sun & Moon Sisters by Khoa Le. 

Summary: The Sun and the Moon are sisters, and they rule the sky together peacefully. One day, however, each begins to wonder: who is more important? This friction leads them to make a powerful decision to switch roles, hoping that it will lead to a greater understanding of their powers. Soon, the Sun begins shining all through the night, and the Moon brings night to the day. In the end, the two sisters will learn an important lesson about the importance of harmony and the balance of their relationship. 

Age Range: 4 and up

"You are both important," shouted the children. "Don't envy each other anymore."

The 3D illustration on the cover is what urged me to choose this book. I liked how it had a lesson of not to envy anyone and to realize that everyone is important and is needed in their own way. I also liked how they used the symbols of sun and moon and siblings, specifically sisters, to convey this lesson. 

Author and Illustrator Khoa Le combines a unique fable with beautiful Asian artwork.  

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