Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Power to the Pizza Poetry Party

After encouraging promotion for this program as an intention for celebrating National Poetry Month, I was concerned we only had five kids registered for the program and I wasn't sure how the turn-out would be and was surprised that the pizza element didn't make registration more tempting. Despite the registration count, this still turned out to be a terrific program with those registered and those who participated in our poetry contest attending.

I started off the program by playing the dvd Out of Wonder:Poems Celebrating Poets by Kwame Alexander. This was the perfect dvd to play in the background while they were eating their pizza and having their lemonade because it is a collection of beautiful poems by famous authors celebrating other famous authors by incorporating their different poetry styles. The music and animated illustrations were a nice touch too.

Once the kids ate their pizza and mingled a bit, they were comfortable enough to read their poems out loud. They could choose from the variety of poetry books I had on display to read from (including Shel Silverstein), a poem they wrote, or from printouts of poems I had available from the library's collection of books.

A poetry contest winner read her poem that won the poetry contest to the group and everyone else read poems from library books or from the printouts from library books. The group of girls were very comfortable and welcoming towards each other and I seen great teamwork with reading their poems together if one was shy.

I seen a lot of learning going on, whether it was reading practice, presenting to a group, teamwork, encouragement, or realizing the different types of poems and the emotions they presented. They read serious poems, silly poems, and even sang their poems to the group, showing that they knew the connection between song lyrics being poetry as well.

Overall, this was a nice group size for this type of environment and made them feel comfortable enough to read poems to each other.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Family Storytime: Earth Day

We celebrated Earth Day by reading a few Earth Day books, doing some related flannels, and completing an Earth-friendly craft.

I started off storytime with our bean bag song and then started reading The Lonely Giant by Sophie Ambrose. I really enjoyed the message in this book because it went perfectly well with Earth Day, but the kids were still very excited so we quickly got through this one and started a flannelboard.

For our first flannelboard activity, I put a flannel Earth on the board and everyone had a different colored rocket to put on the flannelboard. They enjoyed their part of the flannel activity and got most of their antsiness out.

I read The Earth Book by Todd Parr and 10Things I Can Do to Help My World by Melanie Walsh. They seemed to have enjoyed these two books better and then I had them participate in a flannel about compost.

This flannel had a rhyme about five worms and how they recycled into the earth different things such as egg shells and old banana peels. The group liked putting their piece up on the board.

We got to our craft and they were excited to get painting. We used recycled newsletters with a circle drawn on them. The kids painted their earth blue and green and then added a die-cut hand and heart. These crafts turned out really cute and everything was recycled.

Other Books:
Junkyard Mike Austin
The Lonely Giant Sophie Ambrose
Plants Feed Me Lizzy Rockwell
The Curious Garden Peter Brown
From the Garden Todd Ouren
A Boy and A Jaguar Alan Rabinowitz
One Child, One Planet Bridget McGovern Llewwllyn
Junkyard Mike Austin
Rose's Garden by Reynolds
the Gardener by Stewart
Plant a Little Seed Christensen
And the Good Brown Earth Henderson
All the World Elizabeth Garton Scanlon
The Tree Lady Hopkins
Parrots Over Puerto Rico Roth

Other Activities
If You're Happy and You Know It
This Land Is Your Land song with scarve dancing

Monday, April 15, 2019

Family Storytime: Spring

Seasonal themes are always fun and a great hit with the storytime crowd and it also gives the kids a chance to learn more about the changes in seasons and their differences.

We did our bean bag song and then read Mouse's First Spring by Lauren Thompson. The group enjoyed this one and it kept their attention.

Next, we did a flannel board based on the book, Fran'sFlower. The group was able to try and feed our plant all sorts of things, such as hamburgers and dog bones, but found out that sunlight and rain is what made our plant grow into a beautiful tulip.

We jumped right into our next book, When Spring Comes by Kevin Henkes. I love the simple, but pretty illustrations in this book and the kids seemed to notice the pictures as well, talking about the cats and flowers.

We needed to get rid of some of our sillies, so we sang "If You're Happy and You Know It" and then we went into our last book, Hurray for Spring! by Patricia Hubbell. This went well with the last lyric of our song and it was short enough just to get one more book in before our craft.

The kids are always eager for their craft, and this time we had them plant a green bean seed in a cup using potting soil. They also had a spring coloring page to color.

Other books:
And Then It's Spring Julie Fogliano
Splish, Splash, Spring Jan Carr
Let It Rain Maryann Cocca-Leffler

Other Activities:
Five Tulips
Mushroom in the Rain
Bunny Tales
5 Little Ducks
The Spotted Caterpillar
Colorful Butterflies
5 Little Bunnies
Walter the Waltzing Worm

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Toddler Art: Watercolors

This group is always well-behaved, but today was exceptional! They were so attentive and quiet during storytime, I was able to read two board books and I was proud of them for their sharing skills too.

We read One Rainy Day by Tammi Salzano and Listen to the Rain, a Rookie Toddler Scholastic board book. 

Our theme was watercolors, so I read books on rain and got to our crafts. For our first craft, we discovered resistant art. I used white crayon and drew raindrops onto their sheets of white watercolor paper. Then they used thick paint brushes to paint their paper blue with liquid watercolor. This made the raindrops appear. The toddlers got a surprise to see the raindrops and they also had practice holding a paint brush.

Their second craft was experimenting with the watercolor palette. I put out clothespins with pom poms and they got them wet and then dipped them into their watercolors. They could paint however they wanted, but all of these turned out beautiful and with a sunset feel. This gave them a chance to just play with watercolors. They also could glue on a tulip die-cut to their paper if they would like.

Afterwards, we had some playtime and the group was so good with sharing the toys!

This was another fun one!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Family Storytime: Silly Stories

This smaller group did very well listening to the silly stories today but were a bit shy following along with the activities. We still had a fun time and they loved scaring everyone with their spider crafts. I liked how this theme allowed for so many books and activities, but it was hard narrowing everything down. Glad there was a lot of ideas and this theme is perfect to throw in some new picture books.

We read Aaaarrgghh! Spider! by Lydia Monks, The Watermelon Seed by Greg Pizzoli, and This Book Just Ate My Dog! by Richard Byrne.

We did our bean bag song, read three books, and added color balloons to the flannelboard for National Library Week and then fed Crocodile numbers instead of watermelon seeds.

The spider craft was one of their favorite crafts so far and it brought out the sillies in them! 

Other Books:
Quiet There's A Canary in the Library Don Freeman
I am Not a Chair! Ross Burach
Bark, George Jules Feiffer
Do You Believe in Unicorns? Bethanie Deeney Murguia

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Preschool Picasso: Watercolors

This was Preschool Picasso's first time introducing watercolors to the group and I think it ended up being a fun change for the kids. We read Blue Chicken, about an artist painting a barnyard scene only to have one of it's chickens come to life and spill blue paint everywhere.

I wanted to using droppers for one craft activity and then have the group use the color pallets for another. For the first craft, I mixed blue watercolor paint with water and had the kids use eye droppers to drop paint all over their paper with chicken on it, just like in the book. The kids had fun using the droppers and everytime I've used these, they've always been well-liked.

For the second craft, they painted their own sunset for their barn. I put out the watercolor pallets and they had fun coming up with all sorts of techniques for making their sunset. Afterwards, they glued on the silhouette of a barn. I was glad this gave them an opportunity to create their art any way they liked with the watercolors.

Though there are tons of picture books using watercolors in illustrations, this one best fit what I was looking for-a short and sweet book that could easily tie-in with crafts.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Book of the Month: Gloria's Voice: The Story of Gloria Steinem, Feminist, Activist, Leader

After reading last month’s biography picture book, I guess I’m still on a biography kick because I chose Gloria's Voice: The Story of Gloria Steinem, Feminist, Activist, Leader, which honors Gloria Steinem’s accomplishments.

Summary: Gloria Steinem is known as a leader of the feminist movement and a trailblazer who fights for equality of all people. This unofficial biography for young readers tells her story, from being a young girl with big dreams to her inspiring travels in India to the launch of Ms. Magazine, which gave women a voice. Gloria’s message of believing in yourself and following your dreams will inspire a whole new generation.

Ages: 4 and up
“Be strong and proud of who you are.”
I must say, I absolutely adored the illustrations by Aura Lewis and thought she beautifully captured Gloria’s personality and stance in both her writing and drawings. I would say that is what drew me into this book the most and did justice for Gloria Steinem’s political and feminist efforts. A beneficial read for anyone.

Family Storytime: Taking a Bath

Everyone really enjoyed this bath time theme and there are so many ideas and picture books that are perfect for it.

We started off with our bean bag song and then started reading our first book, Time for a Bath by Phillis Gershator. This book was the perfect beginning to explain why we need baths and how we get messy.

Afterwards, I handed different clothing flannel pieces and I told a story about a girl who needed to get dress and couldn't make up her mind. After we put clothes on her and kept changing it up, she decided that since it was a rainy day, she would wear her bathing suit. It's a pretty silly story I made up on the fly because I knew I wanted to use the clothing flannel pieces.

Our next book was The Pigeon Needs a Bath by Mo Willems, which was a craft tie-in for storytime. The group really laughed at this one and of course it was a complete hit!

We sang "If You're Happy and You Know It" and went to our last book, Get Out of My Bath! by Britta Teckentrup. This is an interactive one and I think it kept the group's interest until it was time to work on our crafts.

For our craft, we made a Pigeon Dirty/Pigeon Clean craft using a brad to rotate him in his bubble bath. They colored Pigeon to make him dirty, added cotton balls for bubbles, and had a cute, yellow duckie to add.

Other Books:
How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth Michelle Robinson
Peep and Egg: I'm Not Taking a Bath Laura Gehl
Bubbles, Bubbles Kathi Appelt
Small Elephant's Bathtime Tatyana Feeney
You Take a Bath David I.A. Mason
Bears in the Bath Shirley Parenteau
Big Red Tub Julia Jarman
On My Way to the Bath Sarah Maizes
Squeaky Clean Simon Puttock

Other Activities:
Where Is Duckie Hiding? Guessing Flannelboard
Mrs. Wishy-Washy Flannelboard
*Scarf Activity: Splish-Splash I Was Taking a Bath Disney: The Best of Silly Songs #18
*5 Elephants in the Tub
Dog's Colorful Day flannel

Craft: Pigeon Takes a Bath Craft with cotton balls